The extended universe of Captain Underpants continues to grow with the second spin-off ("Cat Kid Comic Club") to a spin-off ("Dog Man"). Much like the original, "Perspectives" is a story that turns the creative writing workshop process into an entertaining, accessible experience for children. By turning sometimes pretentious ideas into language that is entertaining and graspable, Dav Pilkey has found a way to make the reader want to write their own stories. There's a shamelessness within the text, proving that no idea is too juvenile for consideration. It's another welcomed look into literature not as something to be studied and learn from, but simply to create a vast imagination that inspires everyone. In some respects this is a lot of the same as the first entry, but even then it's a worthwhile read for those wanting a goofy lesson in how to write their own story.
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
#106. "Cat Kid Comic Club: Perspectives" by Dav Pilkey
#105. "Cannery Row" by John Steinbeck
There are few authors that feel as essential to Depression-Era California quite like John Steinbeck. He had a gift for not only capturing a moment but embodying the figures who are doing everything they can to survive. It is why "Of Mice and Men" remains timeless, exploring the working class during a fraught period of history. Even in his lesser books like "Cannery Row," he has a gift for conveying a scene with nothing more than a man standing on a street corner, wondering what the rest of his day will look like. It is here that his novels come to life. In this particular case, he forgoes conventional plot for a slice of life narrative that finds multiple narratives overlapping as they go about their jobs in Cannery Row, CA. It's a story full of mundanity, reflecting loneliness and desperation to try and cure that feeling. What it lacks in urgency it more than makes up for with compelling prose and a strong sense of introspection.
Saturday, December 11, 2021
My Wishlist of 100 Books (2021 Update)
Now that Thanksgiving is over, it's time to celebrate the start of the Christmas season. For those who are looking to this blog and wondering "Thomas, what can we get you?" It only makes sense that Willett Reads would be dedicated to sharing all things that interest me in literature. Well, if you're one of those kind people who want to send me a book, here is a recommendation list of 100 books ranging from different genres and centuries. I am not too picky on quality of the book, save for my desire that the book not be filled with personal annotations. Beyond that, I hope that this list will help you prepare gifts that I not only want, but can often be found at a reasonable price. Click on to discover the list and where to send any comments regarding this list.
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